Hear Our Stories

“It’s a Great Day the Lord Has Made”

“It’s a Great Day the Lord Has Made”

In just a short time, we have learned that each day could hold its own challenges and also its own victories. Yesterday (Monday the 10th), we arrived to learn that the PICC line team was not going to be able to insert his PICC line which in turn meant I was not...

Trust & Confidence

Trust & Confidence

As I sit here this morning praying for Samuel Townes, I am reminded of the story behind his name. This journey, although in some ways feels as if it's just getting started, we have been on for some time, and the love of our Abba Father that has poured out on us along...



We welcomed our son, Samuel 'Townes' Stephens, to the world on February 6th, 2020.  He was born at 12:33 pm weighing 6 lbs 14 oz and 18.5 inches long.  He was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) which in simple terms means the...